Thursday, February 03, 2011

Pictures of the Huckabee Visit to Samaria and Benjamin Councils

Pictures of Mike Huckabee's visit to Samaria and Binyamin (a video clip is here and another better one here):

1.  Naftali Bennet with the new map explaing the topography of Judea and Samaria.

2. David Ha'Ivri (l) and Gershon Mesika (c), Samaria Council Chairman with Gov. Huckabee

3.  Dany Dayan (l), Gov. Huckabee, Naftali Bennet and Binyamin Council Spokesperson Tamar Ashraf (r).

4.  Ariel Fund Director Avi Zimmerman (l), Gov. Huckabee and Naftali Bennet

5.  Avi Zimmerman, Charlie Levine (behind), Jeff Daube (behind), Gov Huckabee, Shilat Kahalany (r).

5.  Yes, we do have guitars.

Pics from Roman Yanushevsky and Yigal Dilmony

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