قام عدد من الشباب الإسرائيلى بتدنيس أجزاء قريبة من المسجد الأقصى، عندما قاموا بحمل مجموعة من الحيوانات منها الخنازير والحمير والماعز، ووضعوها بالقرب من المسجد خلال احتفالهم بعيد الفصح. ...
أن مجموعة من الشباب الإسرائيلى وضعوا مجموعة من الحيوانات بداخل باحة المسجد، خلال أداء اليهود صلاتهم أمام حائط البراق "المبكى"، لكن الشرطة الإسرائيلية تمكنت من السيطرة عليهم وقامت بطرد هذه الحيوانات إلى خارج المسجد.
Which, translated, reads:-
A number of young Israeli desecration parts close to the Al-Aqsa mosque, when they had carried a range of animals, including pigs, donkeys and goats, and placed them near the mosque during the celebration of Easter...
The newspaper pointed out that a group of young Israelis and put a group of animals inside the courtyard of the mosque, during the performance of Jewish prayer in front of the Wailing Wall "Wailing", but Israeli police managed to control them and expelled these animals out of the mosque.
That wouldn't be religious hatred incitement?
Besides being factually incorrect?
The news site is Egyptian.
Not only weren't those animals brought to the Western Wall Plaza, but pigs and donkeys are not kosher nor can be used for a sacrifice.
As for any goats, the original story concerned
a sheep. And it was arrested before even entering the Old City walls.