The reason: the 6th EU-Israel Media Dialogue.
This year, representatives of the Religious-National media, press, radio and Internet, were included in the program on the theme: The Religious-National Sector in Israel, European Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Moderated by Dr. Amiel Ungar, a contributing editor of the Jerusalem Report, columnist for Haaretz English edition and foreign affairs columnist for Makor Rishon, we met with 6 reporters, editors and correspondents from Spain, Hungary, Denmark, Poland and Belgium.
Yisrael Harel, former Chairman of the Council of the Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, founder of the Institute for Zionist Strategies, columnist for Haaretz and founding editor of Nekuda magazine spoke on The Religious National Movement in Israel and the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict. Pazit Ravina, columnist for Makor Rishon, by the way, secular, a resident of Tel Aviv and a former Davar correspondent, addressed the topic of Coverage of Europe in the Religious Media in Israel and I dealt with the aspect of European Coverage of religious communities in Israel
On the New media vs. traditional media and coverage of Europe, we heard from Izhak Horovitz, correspondent for BaKehila Newspaper representing the Haredi media in Israel and from Yoni Kaplinsky, editor for the Israel National Radio web site in English.
a) Amiel (center) in animated discussion

b) Itzhak Horovitz handing out his email address

c) me (left)

d) providing translation

e) our moderator, Amiel Ungar

Yes, the food was good and soo was the company and the exchange of views.
Yisrael Harel would be deeply offended at your description. He is the founder of the Institute of Zionist Strategies, not what you wrote (no such institute exists, to the best of my knowledge).
will correct. copied their handout
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