A while ago, I (and Jameel) dealt with the Ladies of the Burkha in Bet Shemesh (here).
Well, Maariv's Sherri Makover-Balikov (a former observantly religious girl) also did a story but it's in Hebrew (here). Over 300 'talkbacks' (Hebrew for comments).
American born, my wife and I moved to Israel in 1970. We have lived at Shiloh together with our family since 1981. I was in the Betar youth movement in the US and UK. I have worked as a political aide to Members of Knesset and a Minister during 1981-1994, lectured at the Academy for National Studies 1977-1994, was director of Israel's Media Watch 1995-2000 and currently, I work at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem. I was a guest media columnist on media affairs for The Jerusalem Post, op-ed contributor to various journals and for six years had a weekly media show on Arutz 7 radio. I serve as an unofficial spokesperson for the Jewish Communities in Judea & Samaria.
They look like pregnant nuns.
No big deal in now what will it be like in JULY!!!
I started summarizing the article in English, on my blog.
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