Sunday, October 04, 2009

What's A Little Jew-baiting Between Jews?

This a big controversy over in the Ramat Aviv neighborhood of Tel Aviv.

Chabad is making inroads and there is a strong secular resistance.

Some details are here.

In any case, one of the anti-Chabadniks, who claims it is their missionary zeral that upsets him, has a column in Yedhioth Ahronot's weekend magazine, "7 Days".

Here's the heading of his column on September 18, "The Conquest Scares", wherein he declared that his neighborhood would not be conquered and since he and his friends have done the Army, they are better prepared to win the war. As if Chabad persons do not serve.

That cartoon not clear enough?


It reads, remember, right to left:

"Are you armed?" "No."

"Do you want to put on t'fillin?" "No."

"Well, then, you don't get to enter the mall."

An antisemite couldn't do better than the caricaturist, Guy Morad.

Funny that, though. Morad in Hebrew means a slope. Big slip.

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