WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Two major Jewish groups are at odds over the prospect of penalties for the Palestinians in the wake of their enhanced U.N. status.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee in recent weeks has backed two congressional bids to at least shut down the Palestine Liberation Organization office in Washington in the wake of the Nov. 29 United Nations General Assembly’s overwhelming vote that granted Palestinians non-member observer state status.
Conversely, the Reform movement has emphatically urged President Obama not to retaliate against the Palestinians, JTA has learned. The Reform movement also has resolved to oppose the shuttering of the PLO office.
Israel's Ambassador Dr. Michael Oren was quoted
“We think that the Palestinians when they violate agreements, when they declare that Israel is a war criminal or when they describe Israel as a war criminal for defending itself against thousands of terrorist rockets without ever condemning those rockets, we think they should be held to task for that," he said. "We do not think they should be given a free pass.”
So, hey, there, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, it's one thing to simply announce you do not support Israel on this matter.
But to actively intervene and undermine Israel?
To subvert the fairness doctrine - if you do wrong, you get punished?
Here's from a month ago:-
Reform Movement Focuses on Follow Up To UN Vote Upgrading Palestinian StatusYou can't have it both ways - punishing Israel twice, once, by not supporting punitive measures against the PA and the second time, not condemning the E1 decision.
New Policy Statement: Condemns Palestinians for Unilateral UN Action; Calls for American Leadership; Opposes Immediate Punitive Responses; Calls on Israel to Halt Plans for Expansion in West Bank E1 area
...The statement, adopted overwhelmingly after a full debate by more than 200 board members at yesterday’s meeting of the Union of Reform Judaism’s North American Board of Trustees, “Condemn[s] the Palestinian Authority for the unilateral decision to seek upgraded status at the United Nation as counterproductive to the cause of peace, and express[es] … deep concern to those countries that supported the upgraded status, and to those who abstained.”
...The URJ and the CCAR also reiterated longstanding concern about Israeli settlement building, and expressed opposition to the Israeli government’s plans to move forward with building in the critical E1 area. The resolutions note that “Settlements in E1—the area connecting Jerusalem to a city which is one of the larger Israeli settlements—would split the Ramallah region off from Bethlehem, effectively cutting the West Bank in two and making a contiguous Palestinian state virtually impossible.” It further said that “Building there makes progress toward peace far more challenging, and is difficult to reconcile with the Government of Israel’s stated commitment to a two-state solution..."
Not fair.
Especially as you seek to interfere in Israel's internal matters - which is no problem - on "religious discrimination", although religious discrimination against Jews on the Temple Mount isn't on your agenda. Reform religion is, not Judaism, I guess.
1 comment:
On the one hand, neither the blog-author nor any of his readers is qualified to decide whether "Reform Jews" are "Jews". That decision is only made at a higher, more divine paygrade.
On the other hand, it is a matter of recorded fact that "Reform Judaism" is officially on record as attaching no importance to the future material disposition of the Temple Mount. They've already said on record, multiple times, that their goals do NOT include rebuilding "The" Temple.
Which is fine. They have as much right to feel that way, as hareidim do to feel that the size, shape, and type of fur on a black hat are of deadly importance.
Now, let us suppose that the "Reform Jews" stated that they have no interest in the future material disposition of the (say for example) Sistine Chapel.
Now what can be said when they start publishing opinions and suggestions about the future material disposition of the Sistine Chapel?
But you see, Y.Medad.... you have only yourself to blame. You insist on defining your tribal ethnic-identity as "Jewish". So don't complain to me when you find yourself verbally attacked by parasites whose claim to entering your bio-system is that they are "Jewish".
Mahmoud Abbas spoke with some (unintended) wisdom when he said that Israelis might be better off re-defining the country to be a "Hebrew Republic."
Doing so would at least clear the decks for denying a teudat-oleh to clowns like Rick Jacobs.
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