Thursday, October 08, 2009

That's Some Firery Opinion

If you are concerned, nay, worried, about a possible philosophical, political link between Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and Barck Obama, the book Prairie Fire is a good place to thumb over.

I picked this section up from Pamela Geller at AtlasShrugs who quotes from Prairie Fire, a 1974 guidebook of The Weathermen (which is selling for $400+):

Page 123 The Palestinian Liberation Movement

The Palestinian struggle is a genuine and deep-rooted movement for national liberation. .. There is a sobering similarity between the situation of the Palestinians and the history of the Native American people. The reality is that Israel is an expansionist power, based on Zionist colonialism.

Page 124

From its inception, Zionism has been an imperial ideology, presented as an alternative to communism. Page 125

Israel is an expansionist country. .. Israel is a class society. Page 126

Zionist colonialism has cultivated a worldwide image as the besieged victim, the heroic victim holding off the barbarians, a semi-socialist state where strong and free sabras made the desert bloom, the refuge and guarantee against anti-Semitism. The reality is very different:

-The Zionist state is clearly the aggressor, the source of violence and war in the Mideast, the occupier of stolen lands…It is racist and expansionist – the enemy of the Palestinians, the Arab people, and the Jewish people.

-Israeli society internally reflects this imperialist reality; militarized, commercial and competitive.

-The myth of the kibbutz is a powerful one, but the kibbutzim never contained more than 5% of the Jewish population of Palestine or Israel, and are no evidence for Israel being a socialist country. Many of the kibbutzim are on land which Palestinian peasants were driven from, some directly exploit Palestinian labor. And they are all subsidized by Zionist funds.

-Zionism does not represent Jews. It is a racist ideology based on a claim that “God” chose a people superior to others. It has been consistently used as an alternative to class struggle and socialism for Jews, undermining Jewish progressive and working-class traditions.

-There is no basis for a claim that Zionism is a bulwark against anti-Semitism…. The white movement in the U.S. has failed to give clear and open support to the Palestinian struggle. We have not taken on the necessary task of exposing the myths about Israel that cloak the true situation and disarm many people. Page 127

The Palestinian liberation movement is a most progressive force in the politics of the Mideast, as in the revolution of South Yemen – known as the Cuba of the Mideast. Page 128

The U.S. people have been seriously deceived about the Palestinians and Israel. …


1 comment:

yoni said...

do they actually refer to themselves as the "white movement" there? fascinating bit of drivel.

you have no way of knowing ayer's or alinsky's connection with this document, of course, besides belonging to the organization. do you? if so let's hear it.

whatever, as white "revolutionaries" back in the day, they supported the pals against "imperialist" jews, like everyone else in their mileau. so what? if that makes you antisemetic you might as well indict the entire 60's youth movement (you know, the majority that never even heard of shlomo carlebach) as anti semites. oh, wait...oh, i see. like i said, whatever.