Thursday, October 08, 2009

Pro-Feminist But Not Quite Pro-Israel?

Sharon Bertsch McGrayne:

She may be pro-feminist, but is she not quite pro-Israel?

To the Editor:

Re “Three Americans Share Nobel for Work in Cell Biology” (news article, Oct. 6):

How wonderful that three Americans, including two immigrants, shared a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on Monday. But even more exciting, this is the first time in the history of the Nobel Prizes that two women have shared a science award. And if we add Ada E. Yonath, who won a chemistry Nobel on Wednesday, to Elizabeth H. Blackburn and Carol W. Greider in medicine, three women won science Nobels this year.

Perhaps this is Nobel’s answer to Lawrence H. Summers’s question when he was president of Harvard: where are all the women scientists? In the case of these women, they were busy doing Nobel-level research.

Sharon Bertsch McGrayne

Sharon, Ada E. Yonath is Israeli.

You noted Americans, why not Israeli???

1 comment:

constant gina said...

It's worth noting that 1) Greider was Blackburn's grad student but Blackburn shared the glory (unlike several male recipients) and 2) Blackburn was the scientist who got fired from the Bush "bioethics panel" for daring to inject some reality into the stem cell debate.