Wednesday, October 14, 2009

J Street in Three

Jeremy Ben-Ami writing to Michael Oren:-

As Jews who care about Israel, we fear [that's one] that, on Israel's present path, we will see our shared dream of a Jewish, democratic home in the state of Israel slip through our fingers.

As Americans, we worry [that's two] about the impact of Israeli policies on vital US interests in the Middle East and around the world.

Finally, as American Jews, we worry [that's three] that the health and vitality of our community will be deeply affected by what happens in the region, how the world perceives Israel and by how our community here at home deals with increasingly complex conversations around Israel.

Yep, another "League of Trembling Israelites".

Afraid of where the "shared dream" is going. Shared, full, of course, including the security risks we bear here.

Worried as Americans for America - or scared of dual loyalty, antisemitism, etc.

J Street was preceded by groups like American Council for Judaism and see this), Breira (and *), New Jewish Agenda, Ihud of Magnes, others, all weak-willed and undercutting.


What AFSI’s 1977 pamphlet on Breira said of that organization is every bit as applicable to J Street: “Breira invites criticism of Israel, makes indeed a virtuous and courageous act of it….Israel has ’behaved badly,’ ’oppressed Palestinians,’ ’ignored the prophetic mission it was her task to fulfill,’ ’has not really sought peace’….It is the basic dishonesty of Breira, which abandons Israel in the name of commitment to her future, that has made it such an attractive tool for those hostile to the state.”

And that’s the attraction of all these groups for the anti-Israel media.

But who was Obama's Rabbi? Arnold Wolf.

1 comment:

YMedad said...

Hineni - you are neither there nor here (nishta heen, nishta heir). The link between Breira and ACforJ is the haughty self-righteous assumption that American Jews know better what is best for Israel or pre-state Zionism whereas they are really caring for themselves. One was anti-Zionist the other seemingly pro-Zionist but actually pro-American Jewry.

Btw, did you know that the phrase or lagoyim doesn't actually appear in the Bible? In Yeshayahu 42:6: it reads: "ואתנך לברית עם לאור גויים".

As for self-description, sounds like you believe everthing a commercial tells you on the TV about a product.

And as for Wolf being a heir to prophets, he may have been. That doesn't mean he was correct, though.