Sunday, December 09, 2012

How Does the Election Agenda Shape Up?

From the Peace Index November:-

...With elections on the way: security or socioeconomic? 
We were interested in whether Operation Pillar of Defense and its results tipped the voters’ scales in favor of the security agenda at the expense of the socioeconomic agenda. It turns out this did not happen, and the tie score between these two aspects of the public agenda that has been found regularly since mid-2011 (compared to the clear dominance of security issues that was found in the past) remains as it was.
In response to the question: “Which of the following issues will influence you most when you decide in the near future which party to vote for in the elections?” 20% responded that the socioeconomic issue will hold sway, 15% responded that the security issue will guide them in their vote, and a clear majority of 53% said that the two issues would be equally important to them. 
The picture in the Arab public is obscured by the fact that over one-quarter of the Arab respondents did not give a definite answer to this question. However, similar to previous Peace Index findings, the rate of Arab respondents who indicate that the security issue is more important to them (30%) is higher than the rate of those who respond that economic issues will determine which party they will vote for (24%).


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