Friday, July 08, 2011

My Joke Comes True

A few days agao, discussing what to do with the incoming pro-Pal. activists via flights, I suggested we need not be concerned, just let the fellow passengers and others at the airport, you know, regular Israelis, take care of the problem.

They have (k/t = BoL):!/ibnezra/status/89287602993242112
@ibnezraJoseph Dana
Most of the israelis in terminal began chanting 'go to syria' you are pieces of shit' when the pale flag was raised #airflotilla!/ibnezra/status/89286675246759936
@ibnezraJoseph Dana
Recap: three protesters raised palestinian flags at the airport. They were attacked by ppl in the terminal as police arrested them

Victory for the common man.


1 comment:

Juniper in the Desert said...

Wow!! Fabulous!! Shared!