Sunday, February 11, 2007

Water, Water...Down the Drain

Some 15 years ago, I was engaged in a radio interview with Amiram Gloldblum Peace Now spokseperson at the time and when the issue of water came up in that we revenants were blamed for stealing water, etc., I pointed out the facts that we do indeed use more water, no more than any other Israeli and more than the average Pal. as we have washing machines, dish washes and we probably take more showers.

Well, Goldblum tried to hit me with a racism charge but I valiantly fought back and said he probably took more showers than my neighbor in Turmos Aya and that I was simply stating a fact. He, as a scientist (he's a chemist), should know that.

Why do I recall this story?

Read one:-

Security prisoners consume more water

Israel Prison Service reveals security prisoner consumes about 1,000 liters of water a day, while criminal prisoner consumes 500 liters, civilian consumes 250 liters. One possible explanation for phenomenon is that waste is aimed at harming Israel's water economy, IPS suggests

A security prisoner jailed in Israel consumes 1,000 liters (about 264 gallons) of water a day, twice as much as a criminal prisoner and four times more than an Israeli civilian.

The Israel Prison Service (IPS) has decided to put an end to this phenomenon, allowing prisoners to take showers only in public shower stalls where the amount of water used will be supervised.

IPS officials recently decided to check how much water is consumed by prisoners jailed in security prisons and how much is consumed by criminal prisoners, and were amazed by the findings. According to the data, security prisoners consume a large amount of water on a daily basis. They use the shower stalls and lavatories in their cells and wash their clothes.

In light of the findings, the IPS decided to form a plan to reduce the water consumption both among security prisoners and among criminal prisoners. The prisons' economy managers were instructed to carry out a number of moves, including explaining the importance of nit wasting water to the prisoners.

I wonder - would I be called a racist if I pointed out today that Pal. prisoners use up more water than I do when showering?


Anonymous said...

I once attended a Peace Now anti-Israel rally and I have evidence of the olfactory nature that Peace Now members and especially its leaders decidedly do NOT use much water.

Anonymous said...

Let's save some water by placing the leadership of "Peace Now" in administrative detention in special holding pens in which there is no water to be wasted!

Anonymous said...

This is the very same Amiram Goldblum who insisted on hiring the convicted terrorist Adel Hadmi to work in Goldblum's own chemistry lab, where the terrorist had access to dangerous chemicals. Goldblum claimed that hiring terrorists is the best path to peace. Peace Now, that is.

Anonymous said...

check out this leaflet about Amiram Goldblum being distributed by students at the Hebrew University: