Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It's all a Kibbutz Intutiton

Found this at Ynet:

When should we stop showering together?

The maximum age for showering together, for changing clothes in front of the kids, etc. depends on what the parents sense, and here also it’s important to behave naturally. Nudity isn’t necessarily sexual; it can be regarded as natural.

Obviously up to a certain age for the kids, an age that the parents determine according to their intuition.

The writer, Dov Even Zahav, is a psychologist and senior lecturer at the Center for Parenthood & Family, School of Advanced Studies, Seminar Hakibbutzim College

Now, I'm no psychologist but two things seem wrong with this.

First, you mean they still shower together on kibbutzim? I thought that was just a myth and even if true, was stopped as soon as Raful Eitan suggested we all shower together to save water.

Secondly, you'd think a "senior lecturer" could come up with something better and a bit more precise than "intuition".

I mean, after all, it's my intutition that yielding up territory will only whet the Arab appetite and that disengagement, specifically, will be perceived as a reward for terror. So, I'm right?

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