Friday, July 09, 2010

Par for the NYTimes And/Or Liberals

Nicholas Kristof's third piece of 'wisdom', and that's a subjective term, on his visit to Israel was a PR puff piece for Rabbis for Human Rights. It's called, ugly enough for a fair and responsible journalist, "In Israel, the Noble vs. The Ugly" comments, some great, are here). I know of some people who are probably acting orgiastically.

Since, as of this posting, my comments weren't included, and since someone asked me to comment, please see my reaction interspersed below.

You see, Kristof referred to an incident that occurred at Shiloh, just near the Tel.

Here's the relevant section:

I watched the ugly side of Israel collide with its more noble version, as Rabbi Ascherman and I visited a rural area in the northern West Bank where Jewish settlers have taken over land that Palestinian farmers say is theirs.

“If we try to enter our land, settlers will be waiting, and we will be beaten,” said Muhammad Moqbel, a 71-year-old Palestinian from the village of Qaryout who pointed to fields that he said had been stolen by settlers. Last year, he said, he was hospitalized with a broken rib after settlers attacked while he was picking his own olives.

Rabbis for Human Rights has helped Palestinians recover some land through lawsuits in Israeli courts. And Rabbi Ascherman and other Jewish activists escort such farmers to protect them. The settlers still attack, but soldiers are more likely to intervene when it is rabbis being clubbed.

As Mr. Moqbel and Rabbi Ascherman were explaining all this to me, a settler vehicle came down to confront us. And then another. The settlers photographed us. We photographed them. I asked them if they would agree to be interviewed. They refused to respond to my questions.

“They’re just trying to intimidate us,” Rabbi Ascherman said.

As I noted previously, Kristof rarely does what a good journalist does, that is, actually talk to both sides of a story. True, he tried to talk to some security persons

"I asked them if they would agree to be interviewed. They refused to respond to my questions."

but (a) seeing Ascherman, we know to stay clear. He's a promoter of violence disguised as "Arabs protecting themselves" (more below); (b) Do they have to agree to be interviewed? I don't know who they were and maybe they don't know English and they surely weren't going to permit Arik to translate for them. You needn't hold that against them; (c) call me and we'll talk. Be a mentsch and don't come in through the back door. Don't surprise us. Do I show up at 43rd Street in Manhattan unannounced to talk to you?

Okay, it's time we get to some general particulars:

1. Kristof writes:

"Jewish settlers have taken over land that Palestinian farmers say is theirs."

We have been here at Shiloh since 1978, just over 32 years, and I have heard that claim dozens of times. The exact opposite is just as true. As far as I know, the land ownership of that specific plot, actually four sections, presently is being adjudicated.

It was Ascherman who decided to interfere with the court process last December, hired a tractor, paid some Arabs to enter the disputed land and provoked a confrontation by harassing Yaakov Sharvit with cameras in his face. My blog post with the story.

And, by the way, he's against "judaizing" Jerusalem.

2. Kristof writes:

“If we try to enter our land, settlers will be waiting, and we will be beaten,”

On the day of the December incident, Mr. Sharvit and Mr. Moshe Moshkowitz were simply non-violently obstructing the entrance of the Arabs' tractor unto land that a court order had prohibited Arabs from entering. The court order that particular section not to be tilled either by Jews or Arabs. Incidentally, another, larger section was awarded to the Jews involved for tilling.

So, Ascherman acted against a court order.

3. Kristof writes

"pointed to fields that he said had been stolen by settlers."

Ah, he said. Did he show you a piece of paper? A land deed? Tax payment receipts? Court order? Kushan [title deed see glossary] registration?

4. Kristof writes:

"he was hospitalized with a broken rib after settlers attacked while he was picking his own olives."
If I am not mistaken, this incident was when Arabs invaded Jewish olive groves near Shvut Rachel/Achiyah and threw stones. Jews were slightly injured.

Getting back to the incident of Mr. Sharvit, he was struck by an Arab on the day of the particular incident, fell, striking his head on a rock and needed to be transported to hospital for mild concussion.

5. Kristof writes:

"Rabbis for Human Rights has helped Palestinians recover some land through lawsuits in Israeli courts."
Maybe. How many suits have they lost because they lied? How manhy suits have they initiated and how many won even without lying?

6. Kristof writes:

"Jewish activists escort such farmers to protect them."

Especially if they enter Jewish land like further north in the Shomron area. Review the activities of Yoel/Joel Marshak, for example, here.

7. Kristof writes:

"The settlers still attack, but soldiers are more likely to intervene when it is rabbis being clubbed."
How do the soldiers know there are Rabbis there? They don't wear clerical collars and look more like local Jews.

8. Kristof writes:

“They’re just trying to intimidate us,”

That's 'projection', throwing on Jews what Arabs really do. It's a presumption. Ascherman is the intimidates and worse, as he provides a 'cover' for Arabs to feel they can get violent and nothing will happen to them as long as he is around (see 7 above), Ascherman is a type of a human shield.

9. Kristof writes:

"Rabbis for Human Rights redeems not only Israeli values, but also Jewish ones."

We think it a very Jewish idea for Jews to live in their national homeland territory and make sure Arab terror fails. Redeeming land is a really big mitzvah as long as provable private property is not taken illegally. We do not steal, like others have done. We have lost court cases (Elon Moreh).

10. Kristof writes:

"building bridges between Jews and Palestinians helps make Israel a safer place "

Which is why our neighbor to the east, Zaki, was taken twice to Shchem to be tortured by PA security personnel because he was building bridges to us. I know of no sustainable Pal. effort parallel to that of Peace Now, B'tselem, Taayush or Association for Civil Rights in Israel which means they are all "ugly"?

Kristof has wrong facts, wrong opinions, predisposed judgment, bias and bad logic.

Is that par for the NYTimes or for liberals?

P.S. To be continued.

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1 comment:

Jenny said...

people actually are taken in by his trash