Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Just The Opposite

It's amazing when someone with a bit more clout proves what you've known all the time.

Like in the case of my criticism of the Palestinian Authority that I have voiced to diplomats, journalists, policymakers and others over the past 18 years.

A new report is out: Are Palestinians Building a State?

Authored by Nathan J. Brown (Kippah tip: SoccerDad) it claims that the efforts of PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to rebuild the West Bank Judea and Samaria have obscured a dangerous regression in democracy and human rights. He contends that the United States is confusing support for an admirable individual with that of a sound policy.

His Key Conclusions:-

* Government circumventing democracy. The unaccountable governing process that Fayyad has had to invent is not just postponing a democratic system—it is actively denying it.

* Isolated successes do not create rule of law; security services continue to act outside the law under the guise of cracking down on Hamas.

* Lack of institution building; Palestinian civil society is showing signs of decay as well.

* Disillusionment increasing among Palestinians; Palestinians are increasingly cynical about the prospects for long-term development.

* Fatah is in disarray.

"Fayyadism is building institutions in an authoritarian context,” writes Brown. “Palestinian authoritarianism in 2010 is more stultifying.”
I've written here before about lack of institutional transparency, violations of human rights, dearth of economic entrepreneurial freedom, embezzlement, etc.

We're in deep trouble. So is the United States.

Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper have some suggestions, foremost: "Remind terrorists and despots we back democratic Israel". (Kippah tip: BPO)

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