Thursday, July 08, 2010

It Is Ours, Yes, But...

Michael Freund has a good piece published today on Anatomy of a Palestinian "concession" in which he writes:

...Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas had offered Israel the Western Wall and the Jewish Quarter of the Old City as part of a future peace agreement...At first glance, Abbas' offer would appear to herald a significant form of progress. After all, the thorny issue of control over Jerusalem and its holy sites has long confounded efforts to reach an accommodation between the two sides. can Abbas offer Israel something that we already have?

Last time I checked, the Western Wall was safely and securely under Israeli control...As everyone knows, the Wall was built by Herod as part of the Temple compound, where the Jewish people were worshipping G-d two millennia before the PLO was created. The Western Wall is ours by right and by history, and thank G-d, it is in Israeli hands...

Now, Michael is completely correct.


However, what we have seen over the past decade or two, that is the major denial campaign of perverting history, was in place already in 1930 and Arafat always made reference to it. We simply ingored it and didn't prove it's factual falsehoods. We thought a Mandate International Commission report was worthless.

I blogged it here in 2007.

Well, as we see, people will believe anything about the Jews and they do belive that we don't have rights to the Western Wall and surely not the Temple Mount.

So, what do we do?

Well, we don't simply ignore it and we don't simply announce it is ours.

We prove it.

We excavate archaeologically. We publish major items. We get the Prime Minister to repat it ten times more that Abbas, et al.

We cannot go lax or simply assume people know.

The nessage has to be thoroughly researched, put up for all to see and the other side's claim disproved: scientifically, factually and academically.

It is not difficult.

Truth is on our side.

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