Sunday, December 18, 2011

Yet Another Demographic Doomsayer

Do you believe what Adrian Blomfield has written in The UK Telegraph?


...Israel will eventually have to confront uncomfortable facts, according to members of the country’s peace camp. In order to guarantee its long-term survival as a Jewish and democratic state, it will have to evacuate the vast majority of its West Bank settlements, they say.

With Arabs likely to form a majority of the population in the Holy Land before long (there are, by some estimates, currently 5.7 million Jews and 5.5 million Arabs), Israel cannot have both. If Israel gave the Arab majority a vote, it would no longer be Jewish. But, if it denies the majority the vote, it cannot be democratic.

Will there be a majority? Is there a certain demographic threat?

Not really.

Reading list:





That should be enough.


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