Thursday, June 14, 2007

Oh, Did We Mention "Occupation"?

A professor of international and constitutional law at Tel Aviv University, Eyal Gross, takes issue with the Knesset's legislation aimed at halting events in Jerusalem that are disturbing to the public through an amendment to the Basic Law: Jerusalem that allows the City Council to ban parades and marches in the capital if they are "deemed likely to cause public disorder or offend public sensibilities," or should not be held for religious reasons.

All this is in connection with the scheduled Gay Pride Parade next week in the capital.

Gross attacks one Na'ama Sheffi who published an op-ed in which she blames those who demanded that the Gay Pride Parade be held in Jerusalem. She thinks this is unnecessary, an urge to "show them" and likens it to demands of the religious public to prevent the consumption of pork.

In attacking her, Gross just can't but put in a reference to those "other" religious people, the "settlers":-

And as long as there is a closet and homophobia and discrimination, as long as there is racism and an occupation that is only becoming stronger, it is not enough to merely live peacefully.

What has that got to do with anything?

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