Thursday, May 03, 2007

Kadima's Tzipi Livni Can't Even Get Her Role Right

She was supposed to bring down Ehud Olmert.

Guess even that is too much.

I recall interviewing her on my (and Rami Sadan's) Media Critique program over at Arutz 7, when she indicated to me that in her position as responsible for overseas Hasbara and information activities (she does have a good command of English). She basically indicated that she had been stymied and that my ideas of how to improve the capability of response (and not exclusively the content) were not even going to be on the agenda despit that for years - if not decades - the right-wing of Zionism had been demanding a different approach and attitude (especially as the Foreign ministry staff were anti-nationalists and wishy-washies). She was a failure then.

Bye-by Tzipi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sporting a combover hair style at first, Olmert now goes bald on top, a la Rudy Guiliani, according to his PR advisors.