Monday, May 28, 2007

Forty Years - Plus

The "plus" in the title above should be pronounced as it is in Hebrew slang, rhyming something like 'duce' or even 'Seuess" (like in Dr.), whereby it which means "and more".

That's because of this excerpt from a great article I just read about the aunt of a very good friend of mine:-

Milkina-Levy is now a member of the Public Committee on the 40th Anniversary of the Soviet-Jewish Struggle for Freedom, organizing a series of events to mark the 40th anniversary of Soviet-Jewish efforts to immigrate to Israel. For Alla Milkina-Levy's story is not only a personal one: it is the story of an era. It is not by chance that the committee - which will initiate events throughout the year - was established in the year marking the 40th anniversary of the war that was the formative event for the open struggle of Soviet Jewry. No one has any doubt that this was one of the positive and uncontroversial results of the Six-Day War.

There's an error of chonology. There are many anniversaries to be celebrated but the effort in the form of a major protest movement to extricate Russian Jews out of the Soviet really should be marked from May 1, 1964 when, on that day in New York, some 1000 or so Jewish students marched for Soviet Jewry in the framework of the first mass demonstration led by the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry (and yes, I was there, marching around and around the Manhattan sidewalk) led by Yaakov Birnbaum.

1 comment:

Batya said...

whose aunt?

It's so dangerously annoying when people keep falsifying history. There was so much activity in the NY area pre-1967 to save Soviet Jewry.