Sunday, July 05, 2009

So Yesterday

Since 1937, the term "partition" has been the official policy by the nations of the world to "solve" the Arab hostility directed at Jews, their non-recognition of Zionism and their desire to eradicate any sovereign political Jewish presence anywhere in our national homeland and this after the British already separated Transjordan from Jewish settlement although the territory was administered under the Palestine Mandate authority.

It has consistently not worked in any form, not in 1947, not in 1977 when autonomy was offered and not since 1993 when the Oslo Accords were adapted nor after 2005 when Israel unilaterally disengaged from Gaza. It is the one "solution" that has failed, repeatedly.

So, who said this:

Fifty years of a policy that has not generated the originally sought purposes can be called a failure.

Well, the same person who said this:

Let’s put ideology aside; that is so yesterday.

And that person is...

...Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State. April 17 this year.

And she is not only promoting partition but a "settlement freeze" which is almost 40 years old.

Tsk, tsk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now this should be quite common sense, but it looks like Zionism is still confused with Judaism:

Best regards,