Thursday, July 02, 2009

One Map, 150 Communities

From a hostile group but it looks good nevertheless


Suzanne Pomeranz said...

Wonderful map! And, well, I'd certainly call that "close settlement of the land"... looks like we're doing exactly what Article 6 of the "British Mandate for Palestine" says we should be doing in that regard!

Zak S said...

Yisrael, I'm just curious, why do you think its such a wonderful map? Palestinians who live in the West Bank don't have the ability to buy land and settle it west of the green line. This maps stinks of unfair treatment and makes Israel look very bad.

I'd like to know your thoughts.

Zak S

YMedad said...

Zak, Arabs west of the Green Line consider themselves "Palestinians" and I would claim that I agree. So, their locations of residency are there.

Zak S said...


The identity of Arabs west of the green line, (or Israeli Arabs) isn't what I was asking you about. I was asking how you see it as justified that an Arab living east of the green line cannot move west of the green line.

In a truly equal setting, Arabs East of the Green Line would be able to move West of the Green line, just like Jews West of the Green line can move East of the Green line. Since this isn't the case, its unequal treatment of people based on their ethnic identity.

I don't understand why you don't see that as problematic?


Zak S said...

I ask you why is it OK to deny an Arab Palestinian the right to move West, whilst allowing an Israeli Jew to move East, and you say "Ah That".


Your answer, that is all based on security concerns reminds me of other religious extremists in this region who finance terrorism against Israel in order to avoid their own shortcomings. Its also about as hollow an answer as was given in South Africa before the collapse of Aparteid.

And I know you don't want THAT.

I'm not sure you are aware how bad this map makes Israel look.


YMedad said...


Zak, you couldn't keep things hidden for long.

We're so apartheid in Israel that we have a 20% non-Jewish minority, 17% Muslim Arab that votes, that gets services even though they hardly pay taexes, that do not have to serve in the army, that can travel anywhere outside the country, etc., etc., etc. We have mixed cities and yes, we have a bit of discrimination and we have Arabs that burn down our forests and aid the terrorists but if you ask them if they want to live in a future "Palestine", they'll say no.

And we have an enemy that seeks to blow us up, etc., etc. and those we prefer not to let in to our country. The Jews that live in Judea and Samaria do not blow themseleves up and only want to live in an area that in any case was supposed to be the Jewish national home.

Zak S said...


Nothing hidden at at all, not at any stage in this discussion. The words "Apartheid", "inequality" are ENTIRELY applicable to a world view which says that the above map is something to be celebrated. (Which is the way you presented it.)

I honestly think you haven't addressed the problem I have raised - the problem of allowing one way movement of Jews, but barring the other direction for Arabs - other than by saying that what seems to look entirely UN-ethical (to most of the world), is justified on the grounds that Palestinians living in the J&S are "potential criminals".

Your arguments, upon scrutiny, would turn most into Barack Obama fans. And I say that as someone who doesn't oppose all settlements. Seriously, as someone who does hasbarah online, the views you expressed in this post are nightmarish. And the proud gung-ho moral certainty you display is just not working anymore, its causing more problems than you can probably imagine.
