Friday, April 10, 2009

It's A Dog's Life

You read about the dogs' seder?

An Illinois-based pet food company is sponsoring a seder for dogs in a Chicago suburb to promote its line of kosher pet foods...with prizes given for the dog that can best sing the four questions and the dog that finds the hidden matzoh. However, in the past there has been trouble finding a winner in that contest. "None of the dogs like matzoh," Sher says.

Sher says she has never had a problem with critics saying the event is in poor taste. "If they want to criticize, don't come," she says

Funny that, because actually

The determination of something being chometz is if it would be eaten by a dog


Anonymous said...

Four photos of yourself on your home-page?? That’s creepy!!

YMedad said...

I see you learned to place commas better.