Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hamas Horror Highlighted

I caught Paul McGeough's op-ed and pointed out the "not a chance" statement about altering the Hamas Charter.

So did my former professor, Shlomo Avineri:

What the Hamas Charter Says About Jews

To the Editor:

In “Hamas Comes Out of Hiding” (Op-Ed, April 13), Paul McGeough writes that when he asked Khalid Mishal, the Hamas leader, if his organization would consider changing its charter, which calls for Israel’s destruction, Mr. Mishal answered, “Not a chance.”

What Mr. McGeough did not mention is that Hamas views all Jews, not just Israel or Zionism, as its enemies.

Its charter goes to some length to state that the Jews (together with the Masons) were responsible for the French and the Communist revolutions; that they instigated World War I to destroy the Ottoman caliphate; that they instigated World War II to make money out of commerce in war materials; that they control world finance and the media; and that they have established numerous secret organizations to achieve world domination.

Some of this is straight out of the anti-Semitic literature of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” and some of it — especially the references to the two world wars — is the original contribution of Hamas ideologues.

No Western democracy would tolerate an organization with such views. These are the issues that have to be raised with Hamas leaders by anyone who cares for peace in the Middle East.

Shlomo Avineri

The writer is a professor [emeritus] of political science at Hebrew University.

But as we kno, everything anti-Israel gets fit into the NYTimes.

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