Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Dumb Thinking By One Larry Derfner in Israel

Let me give it to you straight, here he is, Larry Derfner, someone who declined a few years ago to debate me in the pages of the Jerusalem Post when he backed out on a media criticism issue:- I comparing Avigdor Lieberman, foreign minister of Israel, to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran? Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. They both exult in beating the drums for racism and war. They both brand entire ethnic and religious groups as the enemy and promise a sweeping, violent solution. They both appeal to a nation's spleen. The main ideological difference between them is that Ahmadinejad is a religious fanatic, while Lieberman is secular...he and Ahmadinejad are cut from the same cloth...

...Lieberman is more dangerous than Ahmadinejad because we have the military power to deter Iran's threat to destroy us physically. I don't know if we have the power to deter Lieberman from destroying us morally - from turning us into the image of what we claim to hate.

This is what we have to deal with: we have a Derfner, you out there have a Roger Cohen.


Anonymous said...

One photo of yourself on your blog would suffice to show you're not hiding or disguising yourself. But four (4) photos of yourself on your home-page says you're a narcissist. You're major creepy.

Anonymous said...

I agree, too many pics of self on blog. That said, Derfner and Cohen are clearly wishful-thinking weaklings who seem disconnected from the real world.

YMedad said...

i have two pictures up where the form says you're suppose to have it. maybe in the future i'll put up a Shiloh pic or logo. As for the top, that has pics representing my actions - being carried out of the Temple Mount, at Tel Shiloh. That ain't so bad.