Sunday, November 21, 2010

When Cardinals Walked the Temple Mount Grounds


Cardinal O'Connell, of Boston, arrived in Rome after a visit to the Holy Land. The Osservatore Romana, Vatican journal, commented upon the warm reception accorded to the Cardinal in Jerusalem. "This attests two things: First, the prestige which accompanies a Cardinal of the Roman Church wherever he goes, and second, the great value Palestine attaches to the interest America takes in her recent new destiny. With Cardinal O'Connell on his pilgrimage went the good wishes of millions of Americans." Said Cardinal O'Connell: "There is darkness in the Near East, where the peoples do not enjoy the blessings which Christianity has brought to the people of the West."

Another reference found here:

Palestine has welcomed a number of distinguished visitors during the year, including...their Eminences Cardinal Bourne, Cardinal O'Connell, and the late Cardinal Giorgi...

Presuming that the Cardinal was the same that married Rose and Joe Kennedy in Boston, then his name was William Cardinal O’Connell.  Or William Henry O'Connell (here) who signed a protest petition against the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The picture:


1 comment:

Suzanne Pomeranz said...

"...Said Cardinal O'Connell: "There is darkness in the Near East, where the peoples do not enjoy the blessings which Christianity has brought to the people of the West."

Perhaps he means "blessings" like the forbidding of Jews to live in Jerusalem (Byzantine Christianity) or the Inquisition or, ah, the Holocaust??? Such "blessings" we don't need.