Sunday, November 19, 2017

How Important is a Signed Peace Agreement?

Another Peace Index Poll is out and...

What is most important for ensuring Israel’s future? 

The interviewees were asked to choose, from a list of six issues- improving the education system, reducing the tensions between the different sectors of Israeli society, developing the economy, strengthening the IDF, enhancing the bond between the leadership and the people, and signing a peace agreement with the Palestinians- what they saw as the first and second most important issues. It should be noted that the issues were read in alternating order so as not to create a bias of the interviewees in one direction or another. Among the Jewish interviewees, the highest rate put reducing the tensions in Israeli society in first place (26.5%), followed by improving the education system (22.6%). At the bottom of the ladder were signing a peace agreement with the Palestinians (11.5%) and enhancing the bond between the leaders and the people (6%). When we combined the first and the second place, the top rankings among the Jewish interviewees were reversed: first came improving the education system and then came overcoming the rifts in the society. The bottom level, however, remained the same...

So, don't believe Israelis prefer a two state solution as we are informed every Monday and Thursday.


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