Monday, October 30, 2017

From "State" to Home", An Observation

Richard Meinertzhagen has written in his diary, Middle East Diary, 1917–1956, published in 1959, p. 104, that "L.G. [David Lllyod George] and A.J.B. [Arthur James Balfour] both said that by the declaration they always meant an eventual Jewish State".  This was stated at a meeting at Balfour's home on July 22, 1922. 

Indeed, the first real draft, as suggested by Harry Sacher, did include the word "state":

And that state was to be reconstituted, a term that was kept and appears in the original document as well as in the League of Nations decision to award Great Britain the Mandate over Palestine.

A second observation in reviewing the drafts is that the "non-Jewish communities" also appears early on

but not in the July 17th draft

It enters the text only in the Milner–Amery draft of October 4, 1917.


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