Sunday, October 22, 2017

Danger: Olive-Picking Season

The explanation to this picture follows

It is now olive harvesting season and you have been reading, as you do every year, of attacks by Jews against the harvesters, or against the trees or the harvested crop. Some of the news is true. Some not. Some substantiated, some exaggerated, some made up. The Palestinian Authority has one man in charge of disseminating the "news", Ghassan Daghlas who "monitors settlement activities in the northern West Bank".

He once was the source for the claim that settlers "burned over 300 cars".

As it is, it surely is dangerous during olive harvesting season.

In more ways than one.

For example, on Friday, I had to be at Ariel's Eshel HaShomron Hotel to address a group and passing along on Highway 60, I noticed many cars parked at the side of the road.  Many were even still on the paved section, being a traffic interference (see circled vehicle).

They belonged to olive harvesters.  Arabs harvesters.

I managed to snap the above photograph to illustrate the danger posed.

And you'll notice also the car in front.  PA license plates, i.e., no "apartheid roads".


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