Sunday, May 09, 2010

The Not-That-Funny Sarah Silverman

As the waiter clears her glass of mint tea (repairing to the kitchen, presumably to lick the rim), I ask Ms. Silverman if there’s anything I’ve missed — any point in particular she’d like to make.

“Yes,” she says, giving me a warm hug. “Jews run the media.”


yoni said...

timing and context, timing and context, context and..........timing. i thought it was funny.

if you want to pick on sarah silverman for jewish "self hatred" there are much richer veins to be mined than this one.

yoni said...

speaking of self-hatred, that article was written by a jewish woman, obviously suffering from envy of sarah's good looks and was in fact mostly about her looks and the way she dresses and other stuff an envious woman might be concerned with. i think the word is "catty".

Anonymous said...

She's mining a certain vein to get attention. But let's face it, the woman is no Joan Rivers.