Thursday, November 30, 2006

Have You Heard of ACIS?

I hadn't.

It's the abbreviation for Access and Closure Information System and it's run by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affair of the United Nations.

The form to be used for reporting an incident is below. Notice the category "settler":-

If you'd like to express your opinion about this procedure or have any questions, you can contact the UN in Jerusalem at

United Nations Office for the Coordination
of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) [rhymes with 'gotcha']

POBox 38712
(7 St. George Street)
East Jerusalem

Tel. 02-5829962; 5825853
Fax. 02-5825841


You might want to ask them if they have forms for revenant Jews who are suffering terrorism, rock-throwing, molotov cocktail tossing, roadblocks, Kassam missiles, AK-47 shootings, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is good idea to write from jewish Israely view about whats going on in Israel. media on focus always only on palestinian "suffering". Its the time to return the objectivity.