Sunday, November 08, 2009

Who Was More Dangerous - Pollard or Hasan?

After reading a good few stories about the massacre at Fort Hood commited by Nidal Malik Hasan, including this one by Phylis Chesler and this one by Diane West (which includes this stat: "Pentagon statistics show there are more Jews and Buddhists than Muslims serving in the 1.4 million strong, overwhelmingly Christian armed forces") and pointed out that "Hasan listed his birthplace as Arlington, Va., but his nationality as Palestinian", I am asking myself:

why does the intelligence community still think Jews in the military or in government service are potential enemies and suspects and why people like Hasan are around?


who, in the end, was more dangerous to America, Jay Pollard of Nidal Hasan?


Anonymous said...

the military thinks that jews are risking because israel has a history of spying on the US. no other country has been caught spying on the US more than our 'good friend' israel.the damage done by jonathan pollard was discribed as 'beyond caculation'. infomation which he passed on to israel and then passed by israel to the USSR which lead to the execution of russian agents in american employ and put the lives of thousands of american soldiers at risk.

YMedad said...

More than Russian? You crazy?

Those executed agents - are the fault of another agent, Aldrich Ames.

Besides your spelling, get your facts right please.

YMedad said...

More than Russian? You crazy?

Those executed agents - are the fault of another agent, Aldrich Ames.

Besides your spelling, get your facts right please.

yoni said...

you didn't mention the simplest reason, in answer to gorenberg's query "why did he choose to live among them?". the desire of two sisters to live close to each other. nothing to do with teitel's ideology, or shvut rachel's.

gorenberg is casting aspersions where there are none to be cast.

he is, unfortunately, correct in some of his other aspersions- for instance, the biblical prohibition against destroying fruit (olive) trees, even in time of war. but i suppose you agree with him on that one. as do i.

YMedad said...

you are correct - on both points