Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Reuters Gets Me Roiling

Here's just the first paragraph of the Reuter's Story on Jack Teitel:

A self-confessed killer dubbed "The Jewish Terrorist" has shown how far settlers may go to stop Israel trading land for peace with Palestinians and the risks even lone attackers can pose to stability in a tinderbox region.

Is that The Jewish Terrorist?

Or is that The Jewish Terrorist?

Or is that The Jewish Terrorist?

Or is that The Jewish Terrorist?

I think I am a bit fed-up with all this finger-pointing.

How many Arab terrorists have there been and how many Jewish terrorists have their been?

More Arabs, right?

But the world doesn't mind giving them a state even after they agreed to renounce and halt terrorism. Morality doesn't count.

How many Arabs are injured by fellow Arabs at weddings when guns are shot off?

How many Arabs kill their sisters and daughters for 'honor'?

And how many Jews do that? How many Jewish residents in Yesha do that?

Does Arab criminal behavior negate any political goals of their's?

So why are the Jews always having a finger pointed at them, not to mention the inaccuracies, the false claims, the lousy statistics, the misstated facts, etc.?

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