Monday, October 06, 2008

What's Good for Muslims, Rabbi, Should Be Good for Jews

Rabbi Avi Shafran, Director of Public Affairs of the Agudath Israel of America has a letter to the editor in today's NYTimes on Jerusalem and the Temple Mount

Re “As Holy Days Mix in Old City, So Do Wary Jews and Muslims” (Jerusalem Journal, front page, Sept. 29):

Some Muslims indeed “defy archaeology and history” by denying the centrality to Judaism of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. But I question whatever notion of journalistic fairness led to your assertion that “the same problem exists on the other side as well.”

Yes, believing Jews consider the Temple Mount and Jerusalem to have been divinely deeded them. But Muslims are free to live and worship in Jerusalem, unlike Jews or Christians in Mecca or Medina.

And the Jewish claim to Jerusalem is in accordance with, not in defiance of, archaeology and history.

Now, all we need is for Agudat Israel to stop interfering in efforts of Jews to ascend to the Temple Mount and observe the same freedom of religion Shafran agrees even Muslims should be granted and assure that Israel continue to be sovereign over the site holy and sacred for Jews.

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