Friday, January 11, 2013

On Freezing Settlements

As if the current cold spell isn't enough, Hanan Ashrawi recently made things clear:

PLO Executive committee member Hanan Ashrawi Monday said freezing settlement activities and ending the Israeli occupation are essential demands to achieve peace...during a meeting with an American delegation in the PLO headquarters in Ramallah...Ashrwai pointed out that approving the construction of thousands of settlement units and the demolition of and eviction from Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem aim at ethnically cleansing the indigenous people of the land, isolate Jerusalem from its surroundings and divide the West Bank.


a) last time Israel's government froze construction, nothing happened.  The Pals. sat back, did nothing about negotiations, expecting Obama to get them further yieldings.

b) Jews are an indigenous people in this land.

c) Jews were ethnically cleansed from Hebron, Shchem, Gaza, Gush Etzion, Old City of Jerusalem and other communities during the Mandate period (when the Jewish national home was supposed to be reconstituted through close Jewish settlement on the land including waste and state lands).

d) since no "settlements" existed in Judea, Samaria and Gaza prior to the Six Fays War in 1967 (see para c), what has "occupation" and "settlement construction" to do with why the Arabs terrorized Israel between 1948-1967 and how can that halt solve any peace talks?

e) Jews are not slated for residency in "Palestine".

In other words, don't bother what Hanan says.

It is dislocated from truth.


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