Thursday, July 14, 2011

So, Yet Another Poll (To Confound the Lefties)

From the latest Peace Index report:

Only 25% of the Jewish public thinks there is a chance of reaching a peace agreement based on the principle of two states for two peoples in the next two or three years. If the range is increased to the next ten years, the rate of those who see a chance of reaching such a solution rises to 43%, but still represents slightly less than half of the Jewish public.

And what should Israel be prepared to “pay” for such a solution? Only 26% of the Jewish public is currently prepared to support a full peace agreement with the Palestinians in return for evacuating all the territories of Judea and Samaria, while 70% oppose this. As for a peace agreement in return for evacuating the territories while leaving the large settlement blocs in Israel’s hands, support for this possibility gains another 24%, such that the rate of support rises to 50% and the rate of opposition falls to 45%. If a full agreement would include retaining the settlement blocs, a Palestinian declaration of an end to the historic conflict, and Palestinian recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people, the support gains another 12%, such that the total rate of support reaches 62% and the rate of opposition declines to 34%.


1 comment:

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