Friday, July 29, 2011

The Pollard Focus Moves To Mrs. Pollard?

In a CBNNews report, on Israel's U.S. Ambassador Michael Oren visit to Jonathan Pollard in prison this past Tuesday, I admit I got a bit mixed up.

True, Jay's wife, Elaine, who accompanied Oren on the visit, said she didn't know "how much longer he can last in there" but this item also appeared:

Esther is reportedly battling cancer.(*)

The US has been especially cruel, and I would describe the attitude as one of "unusual punishment", and as well all know, the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal government from imposing cruel and unusual punishment for federal crimes. The amendment states, "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted."

U.S. officials refused to allow Pollard to attend the funeral of
his father -- Professor Morris Pollard -- and is himself suffering a kidney condition which needs surgery.

However, Elaine seems to be caught up with health problems, too:

During the visit, Pollard reportedly struggled to keep his composure when talking about his wife's health.

but that most probably was related to the media by Elaine.

We are all hoping that Jay will soon merit the freedom he deserves and live out the remainder of his life in Israel.

And let's keep focused.

(k/t = IMRA)


Found, from Ma'ariv Weekend Magazine - Cover Feature September 2, 1999 by Ben Caspit:

It began with a slight discomfort, that gave way to pain, that began to get worse and worse. Then came the check-ups, x-rays, and biopsies. The result: in February, this year, Esther Pollard received the news that she had been stricken with cancer. Esther was terrified of how the news would affect her husband Jonathan and hesitated to tell him. After 14 years of incarceration in the U.S. for espionage on behalf of Israel, Jonathan is not well himself. In the end, she had no choice but to tell him.

"I was aware that Esther had some sort of medical problem," Pollard recalls, "but I had no idea it could be something this devastating. I thought it was something marginal. I remember clearly the day she told me.

...Jonathan and Esther Pollard - each in their own way- for more than six months, have been waging a battle with the cancer that threatens to end their love. Shortly after being diagnosed, Esther Pollard underwent an operation and a cancerous lump was removed from one of her breasts. An operation on the other breast also yielded up another lump, which fortunately turned out to be benign.

Following the operation, Esther refused to undergo chemotherapy. The reason: her insistence on hanging on to the possibility of bringing a child into the world with Jonathan.

Until now, the couple has kept this story secret. Today, on the eve of Esther Pollard's arrival in Israel to seek a meeting with the Prime Minister and other officials, she and Jonathan decided to end their silence.

...Pollard himself, speaking from prison: "I took Esther's illness very personally. It felt to me as if fate were conspiring to rob me of all that I have - of my chances, my hopes, my dreams, my future. I am angry with this miserable government of ours that is responsible for the fact that I wasn't able to hold my wife, to comfort her, to laugh with her, to be by her side for the operation, to wait for the results, which was very hard to do. And then the weeks after the operation. It was Hell. Esther and I were completely alone. There wasn't a single person from the Government of Israel that I could turn to. Not a single ear that I could whisper into, " Please. Help us. Do something for Esther. For me. Support us. Please. - There was no one to talk to at all."

In Pollard's words, they aren't battling just one cancer, but two. "One is the cancer that has stricken Esther. The other is the cancer of the hatred of the politicians towards me. I hope that Esther's cancer is in remission. But I know that the cancer of the government is still metastasizing. As long as Esther has a chance to live, I have a chance. And I blame this cancer that has stricken both of us, on the government."

Pollard has no criticism of his wife's decision to refuse chemotherapy. "It was her decision, and it reflects her total commitment to raising a family with me, without consideration of the danger to herself. I wish the government of Israel would have a scintilla of the kind of courage that she has, when it comes to what it takes to bring an agent home.


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