Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Bergson Boys' Day at Yad Vashem

I attended a symposium today at Yad Vashem on the Bergson Group and America's Response to the Final Solution (see the program there).

It was good.

Dr. Rafael Medoff, Professor Moshe Arens, Dr. Joel Zisenwine, Prof. David Wyman, Professor Monty Noam Penkower, Professor Judy Baumol-Schwartz.

Until the words of Prof. Yehuda Bauer were read out. As if 50 years or more hadn't passed and the young HaShomer HaTzair Bauer was fighting the 'good' fight against those naughty Revisionists.

They didn't save any Jews and no Jews could be saved, anyway. They were the break-away group and the Jewish establishment feared their ideology and antisemitism.

Rubbish that was taken care of by the three respondents, left-to-right: R. Medoff, M. Arens, J. Baumol-Schwartz, in a factual and rational method:

Prof. Wyman, for illustrative purposes, held up the 8-foot long form that a potential immigrant needed to fill out:

Becky Kook summed up and dropped a few counter-arguments herself:

Now that the herem of Yad Vashem has been broken, hopefully a new research era has been welcomed in.

And I thank Dr. Medoff for including me in his ackowledgements of the new book of Samuel Merlin.

Additional pics from Gemma Blech here:

above: Prof. Moshe Arens and me

Prof Moshe Arens, Aaron Bashani and me



The Jerusalem Post video report is now up.  View it.


1 comment:

nt said...

This is the new book by that Ariel Hurvitz who spoke so animatedly at the conference at Yad VaShem. As you can see, he also wrote a history of HaShomer HaTzair.