Tuesday, January 04, 2011

A Different Olive Tree Story - A YESHA Contribution: Green and Environmental-friendly

Olive waste potential, a different olive tree story.


A factory set up recently near the West Bank settlement of Nokdim is offering an innovative method of "green" heating: compressed olive-waste logs for the fireplace.

The company, Olivebar, trawls olive presses for pellets and skins left after the production of olive oil. Avi Lorber, one of the owners, told Haaretz that about 60,000-70,000 tons of this material is produced in Israel annually. Although it is meant to be sent to landfills, it is often discarded in open grounds, becoming a pollutant...Lorber has developed a process for turning the waste into compressed logs by mixing it with different materials. The ashes from the logs can be reused as fertilizer, and if the trend catches on, he said, it might stop people from cutting down olive trees for firewood, a practice that has become popular because of rising oil prices.

Great job, there.

What those "settlers" can't do.



Anonymous said...

What does "Shilo" do with its sewage? Which palestinian village does it end up in? Settlers are the most wasteful demographic in the occupied territories. There is nothing green about YESHA.

Anonymous said...

The Moshaich isn't going to turn up given the state the Revenants have left the environment in.

YMedad said...

We have a wtaer purification plant down the hill. We don't poison anyone or anything. We do get shot at occasionally, though. And our olive trees and grape saplings get very green.

Anonymous said...

Where do you get your water? You steal it. Why do Jews in "Shilo" get 10-15 times as much water per day as your neighbours in Qaryut or Jalut? Because you are Jews ? Because you are better people than them? Because G-D prefers you?

You make a great home in "Shilo". Remember that in the not too distant future your home will be the home of a Palestinian family.

YMedad said...

You still don't know anything about the subject you are writing about.

But keep it up. At least you're not throwing Molotov cocktails.

Anonymous said...

What those settlers can't do is live in peace in the West Bank. Take away the Army and you have a bunch of losers.

How much arabic do you speak? You'll need it.

Where do you get your water ?

Do you think your grandchildren's children will live as settlers on someone else's land?