Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Jabotinsky Providing his Testimony to the Peel Commission

Found here:

On the testimony, February 11, 1937.

The photograph is also at the Jabotinsky Archives.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of history:

Steininger, R. (2018). Germany and the Middle East: From Kaiser Wilhelm II to Angela Merkel. Germany: Berghahn Books.

Page 1:

In the first few years after the First World War, Germany's role in the Middle East was minor, but that changed when Hitler rose to power in 1933. In their hatred for the Jews, the Arabs – especially Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem – admired Hitler...

Page 40:

The newly appointed Consul General Walter Döhle reported...

Döhle – who had already been greeted by an Arab with the cry 'Hoch Deutschland' (esteemed Germany ) – continued the trip on his own and later reported to Berlin:

'When I stopped on the road to mount a highly visible swastika flag on the radiator of my car, in addition to the official flag attached to the flag stand, a car with Arabs came from the direction of Nablus. I spoke to the Arabs. They agreed to assist me during the passage through Jenin. The transit through Jenin went slowly, with stops about every five metres. My car was constantly surrounded by an excited crowd equipped with sticks and sabres (old German weapons). Five to six Arabs stood on the footboard of my car in a permanent parley, in which I only intervened with the Arabic words 'Konsul almani' and the German greeting 'Heil Hitler'. The response from the Arab side followed likewise with 'Heil Hitler' and applause so that the trip bore comparison to a triumphal procession.
Among the Arabs, the German greeting 'Heil Hitler', symbolic of the Führer's and the Reich Chancellor's popularity, had the strongest impact on this frenzied mob.'

On 22 March 1937, in a comprehensive 17 - page memorandum, Consul General Döhle considered further German policies with regard to Palestine...

"On every level, the Palestinian Arabs show great affection for the new Germany and its leader, a support that is worth all the more as it is based on purely idealistic concepts...
However, what is decisive for the affection that now exists towards Germany among the Arabs is the admiration which our Führer enjoys. Especially at times of unrest, there have been more opportunities to determine how deep this liking ...'

Page 47:

... Most Arabs admired Hitler as the Führer of Greater Germany and applauded his anti-Jewish policy.