Thursday, May 09, 2013

Jordan's Foreign Minister and History

I caught this:

I mentioned just when I arrived what a challenging day yesterday was with the developments in Jerusalem, and Jerusalem being something that is very, very important not just to Arabs and Muslims around the world, but to Jordan and His Majesty and – His Majesty, the King, in particular, with the custodianship of the holy sites in Jerusalem. And we need to avoid that as much as we can. Jerusalem has to be the symbol of peace, and I think Jerusalem is a very, very important component of all the final status discussions that will take place.

So we salute the efforts that the Secretary is conducting. He’s seen everybody. He’s seen the Palestinian leadership, he’s seen the Israeli leadership frequently since he took over as Secretary of State. And I have had the pleasure of seeing him frequently as well and being in constant touch with him, and he has spoken to His Majesty, the King, and met with him several times as well. It is all an indication of what a commitment he has to see this fight through. There have been many initiatives in the past. There have been many failed attempts, false starts, and there were attempts that resulted in limited success, perhaps, and we should build on all that. And this is why it’s important to look at the history and share our thoughts and our ideas and our approaches with each other so that we can try and bring the parties back to the negotiating table, perhaps in a different way and more effective way this time. So I look forward to our discussion on them.
That was Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh speaking with US Sec'y of State Joh Kerry.

Well, that "challenging day" was full of Muslim acts of provocation and violence attempting to deny Jews human rights and civil liberties.

And as for "history", let's not forget other "initiatives", like denying Jews the right to reside in what became the territory of Jordan, separating the territory that became Jordan from the Jewish national home, thye invasion of the nascent state of Israel by King Abdallah I, King Hussein's 1967 order to murder civilians (here: "At that time the King put his army under the command of the Egyptian High Command for the purpose of attacking Israel. In those days a Jordanian operational order was formulated, code-named Ra'ad, for the purpose of carrying out an attack on the village of Motza, destroying it and killing all its inhabitants. This 'peaceful operation' was to be carried out upon receiving the appropriate password from regimental headquarters.  A copy of this 'glorious' order was found in the Hashemite Jordanian regimental headquarters near Ramallah, together with a few other files containing operational plans for raids on Israeli villages, designed to destroy them and to murder their inhabitants." and also here: "Documents captured by the Israelis from various Jordanian command posts record orders from the end of May for the Hashemite Brigade to capture Ramot Burj Bir Mai'in in a night raid, codenamed "Operation Khaled". The aim was to establish a bridgehead together with positions in Latrun for an armored capture of Lod and Ramle. The "go" codeword was Sa'ek and end was Nasser. The Jordanians planned for the capture of Motza and Sha'alvim in the strategic Jerusalem Corridor. Motza was tasked to Infantry Brigade 27 camped near Ma'ale Adummim: "The reserve brigade will commence a nighttime infiltration onto Motza, will destroy it to the foundation, and won't leave a remnant or refugee from among its 800 residents".) and additional racist attitudes and actions.

And we have a peace treaty with these people.


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