Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Comment on Sara Hirschhorn's Post


don't be so pessimistic.

a. this "original judicial precedent" you surely know to be far from accurate. The legal status of Israel's administration has been justified by legal scholars along the lines of the Levi Report for four decades.

b. it is not as if an "occupation" does not exist. Legally, is occupies Judea and Samaria just you occupy your apartment. What the anti-Israel activists have done is apply the adjective "illegal" and make it seem wrong as an "illegal occupation" which it isn't.

c. but it does remind us all the Jordan was the real illegal occupier and therefore any lands from the state and/or wasye lands reserves given away by Hussein were not his to give and if the Arabs did not plant or construct on it, Israel has the right to build homes for Jews as the Mandate provisions (Art. 6) for the facilitation of "close Jewish settlement" were never abrogated.



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