Monday, January 05, 2009

Demographic Density Demoted

One Daniel Mandel of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA corrects the claim that Gaza is "the most overpopulated few square miles in the whole world" as many media outlets suggest.

He writes:

According to the US Census Bureau's 2008 Statistical Abstract, Gaza is less densely populated than Gibraltar, Singapore, Hong Kong, Monaco and Macau. In fact, Macau (population 453,000) is four times more densely populated (42,271 per square mile) than Gaza (10,665 per square mile).

The idea of Gaza as the most densely populated place in the world is a propaganda fabrication with a very clear underlying logic. Meshing the images of densely populated neighbourhoods in Gaza, ­and which place lacks such neighbourhoods with scenes of poverty, conjures up the idea that Palestinians lack land and resources.

If you believe that, it is a small jump to the conclusion that Israel should be giving Palestinians both. In fact, Gaza has been in Arab control for years, and the territories conquered by Israel in 1967 would be enough to maintain a large Palestinian population that was industrious, prudentially managed, well-governed and, above all, peaceful.

and received this:

Area Population Density (persons/sq. mile)

Gaza 8666

District of Columbia 9176

Gibraltar 11,990

Singapore 17,751

Hong Kong 17,833

Monaco 41,608

Macau 71,466

Cairo 82,893

Calcutta 108,005

Manila 113,810

(Sources – Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2004-2005, Tables 18 and 1321; Demographia -- Population Density: Selected International Urban Areas and Components)

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