Monday, August 11, 2008

Antisemitic Filth, Hot Off the Blog

Just that you should know what goes on out there (at the end of the blog post - you can skip all the gory part):-

Witness movies put out by the two Jew brothers, Joel and Ethan Coen, who are celebrated for squeezing in as much realistic gore as they can into a film like “No Country for Old Men” (above). Stylistically, these two Jews may be quite creative, but you’ve probably noticed their increasing obsession towards using the most shocking violence possible. Oh, it gets everybody’s attention, alright. They’ll give us what they say we want and then laugh all the way to the bank!

I mean, just how many head shots with exploding brains do we have to see on the screen, anymore? Give it a break, Jews!

Like I’ve said often here at my blog, Whites and Blacks are both being sucked down a vortex of filth by the same people: The Jewish supremacists. We’re in the bowl and it’s their hands on the commode lever. To them, we’re all Niggers to flush down the tube! Think about it!

...Let’s work hard at being morally strong and upright people. I’m not talking about going religious bonkers here, just exercise your judgement to stop fueling the degradation of our country. Let’s all drive a stake into the bloodsucking and gore of Hollywood Jewdom!

If your friends call you a wuss about it, then you just tell them you’ve had it with the Jews getting rich off schmucks like them and all the sick SOB’s out there damned to hell. Truth be told? You’ll be right on both counts.

And in a comment there:

Jews, religious or not, think they are better, smarter and more “God-like” than the lessor [sic!] races. They also take pleasure in out-smarting the Goyim of whatever color.

The problems brought on by the Jews makes them alternatingly proud and secretly worried about a backlash. Some are arrogant enough to believe America is now theirs for the taking and can barely conceal their glee.

Unfortunately, they always lose it right before their latest downfall. Witness the hurried atmosphere to current events. They cannot perfectly coordinate themselves due to the possiblity of discovery (here, I am talking about the secret Global Zionists).

Hence, the thorny problem of Iran and the panicky emotions they are now showing over Israel. It’s a race between war and the curtain raising to the NAU/Police State. I believe that fate always intercedes against these people at the last moment, causing them to drop the prize ring. Or I am hoping it will.


Anonymous said...

Did you enjoy my blog? You didn't say. Of course, you're using the tired business of calling Whites "anti-Semitic" no matter what you do in the world. 'Tis funny, you feel morally superior enough to trash our nations, but the minute we say one word about that or your Nazi-like behavior and war-mongering in the Middle East, out come your slanders.

Even the title of this blog reveals your inherant arrogance in the world. I like the way you sic my typo from a measly comment.

But I did notice that you are too gutless to leave a comment on my blog -- unlike myself. But of which you will probably delete.


incogman @

Anonymous said...

I guess you don't have very many visitors to your little blog, now do you?

Not a soul has even deigned to come to my site to look for themselves. Or even comment here. So sorry.

Hell, I'm probably the only traffic you've seen for this piece exposing such "hateful anti-Semitism filth."

I can't believe you proudly proclaim being Zionist. And your face seems so wise and benign, it's hard to imagine you as a War-Mongerer. Of course, that look helps, doesn't it?


YMedad said...

Hi there Mr. Antisemite.

I'm not gutless but you wouldn't beleive me anyway.

Listen, my opinion that your writing is trash not because it is hateful but because it is mostly unoriginal, rehashing centuries old material and so illogical as to be actually funny. It is filth because antisemites need the Jew to explain away their own personal - not collective - failings and inadequacies.

As for traffic, do you really think that other Jews would visit your site? It's enough they read what I have extracted. There are hundreds like you all regurgitating each other's bile.

As for the "heritage", let me know what hotel you stay at some time.

Anonymous said...

Well, you are gutless. Don't fool yourself. You don't dare leave a comment on my blog countering me one bit.

You've been playing games on your host population's heads now for centuries and people are now waking up to it.

That's why you try to explain it all away as any whites who see right thru it as "failings" or "crazy." But it's not working anymore.

The Georgian War and your War Mongering in the Mideast is removing the shroud you hide behind and America is waking up to it all. All of it.

Glad you find that funny.

That's what you don't really want. Especially in Israel which wouldn't last 10 minutes without the bloodsucking your cohorts do back here to prop you up.

I wouldn't let you know JACK about where I stay since I know well the evils you secretly resort to and then...

...tell the world: What, Me?