Friday, December 08, 2017

Chaim Weizmann's Dalliances

In response to something I read in the Jerusalem Post Weekend Magazine, I sent in a letter on November 10th.

So far, it has not appeared so up it goes here:

Baron Leslie Turnberg is worried lest, as a result of the article on his book, "Beyond the Balfour Declaration" (Nov. 4), people would assume that Chaim Weizmann carried on dalliances while he was married. But he needn't, for he did, it would appear.

Commenting on Weizmann's letter sent to his wife Vera on February 11, 1925, the editor notes that "All was not well in his marital relations...the feelings separating the Weizmanns intensified and they ceased living a normal family life together".  He adds that Weizmann adopted a nomadic life-style at various London locations and European spas.  There was a "crisis" and Weizmann attempted vigorously to "rebuild the family relationship".  Vera had become suspicious of his friendship with other women and removed herself and children from his company.  Additional later letters reiterated his pleas to regain the former home situation.

Yisrael Medad

The comments on the letters:


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