Tuesday, April 05, 2011

When Did Jews Become The Majority Population in Jerusalem in Modern Times?

According to Karl Marx in his "The Eastern Question: A Reprint of Letters Written 1853-1856 Dealing with Events of the Crimean War", New York: B. Franklin, 1968, p. 322:

In 1845 – before the modern Zionist movement – the Prussian consul in Jerusalem estimated that the population of Jerusalem comprised about 7,120 Jews, 5,000 Muslims and 3,390 Christians. The New York Daily Tribune published an article in April 1854 by communist theorist Karl Marx stating that “the sedentary population of Jerusalem numbers about 15,500 souls, of whom 4,000 are Mussulmans [Muslims] and 8,000 Jews.”




Anonymous said...

Weren't there millions of Jews in Israel in 1853? Wasn't it their native home ? Or did they have homes elsewhere?

YMedad said...

Don't be stupid. It's enough you have no courage to reveal any identity you may possess

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't there a Jewish majority in Jerusalem in the 1500s? Because it wasn't Jewish, of course.

Zionism is settler colonialism

Trader found the jeweled land
Was occupied before he came
By humans of a second look
Who couldn't even write their names shame
Trader said they're not as good
As folks who wear velvet robes
Wrote home again and asked, Please help
Their breasts I see; they're not like me
Banish them from our prairies and our hillsides
Clear them from our mountains and our seaside
I want them off our lakes so please reply
Signed sincerely.

DR said...

Weren't there millions of Arabs living in Israel in 1853? Wasn't it their native home? Or did they have homes elsewhere?

Why wasn't there a muslim majority in Jerusalme? Because it wasn't muslim, of course!!

Islam is settler colonialism.

Arabs came from the Arabian peninsula, bringing with them Islam, and conquered the middle east. But specifically in the land of Israel, there were very few muslims living there, until the late 1880's when Arabs migrated to the land for the economic prosperity brought on by the growing Jewish population, and the Aliyah movement. This is why MOST 'Palestinians' today are descendant from non palestinian Arabs. Yasser Arafat was an Egyptian, Abbas's family is from Aleppo, Syria.

I hope this clears up the anonymous bloggers questions!

Anonymous said...


Finkelstein destroyed that hasbara about 20 years ago. Who built Jaffa and Haifa ? Who farmed the Galilee ? clue- it wasn't the Jews. Because they are settlers.

Palestine was never empty. the Palestinians are the people who have always been there and will always, long after Israel collapses .