Friday, April 08, 2011

Should Israel Be No Less Moral Than, Say, NATO?

Here's NATO behavior for you:-

NATO refuses to apologize for Libyan 'friendly fire' attack

I think what happened paralleled Israel's problems with Gaza quite well:

NATO conceded Friday it may have mistakenly struck Libyan opposition forces during a deadly airstrike a day earlier -- but refused to apologize.

British Royal Navy Rear Adm. Russell Harding told reporters that NATO forces "may" have hit rebel tanks during the airstrike Thursday.

"I'm not apologizing," said Harding, the deputy commander of the NATO operation. "The situation on the ground is fluid and we had no information the opposition forces were using tanks...There's a lot of vehicles going back and forth," he said. "It is very difficult to distinguish who is operating the vehicles."

It's just one of those incidents of



ziontruth said...

What?! You want Israel to be held to the same standard as other states? Are you frakkin' kah-wazy?! /sarc

ziontruth said...

Oh, and Shabbat Shalom, Yisrael Medad. B'sorot tovot.