Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Found here:

What did you learn online today?

Dear little friend of mine.

What did you learn online today?

Dear little friend of mine.

I learned that the Arabs must be strong.

They are always right and never wrong.

The PA and Hamas are the finest men.

So their people never need to vote again.

I learned that Israel always shoots first.

Their human rights record is the worst.

I learned that Palestine must be free.

From the Jordan to the sea.

I learned that terrorism isn't so bad.

I learned some great times the Palestinia­ns have had.

They killed in Munich and in France.

And I must defend them at every chance.

And that's what I learned online today.

That's what I learned online...
Read it all!

1 comment:

ziontruth said...

And on a different vein:

Marxists and Muslims sitting in a tree,
First comes hate, then comes alliance,
Then comes the United Nations forcing shariah compliance!