Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Odd Street Scenes and Signs

I just discovered a new street. Or at least a new street sign. As I pass this way almost once a week, if not twice, I know that it is new, the sign that is.

If you come into to Nachlat Shiva from the Betzalel St. side, through the Knesset Yisrael (Munkatch) neighborhood, and enter into Tabor Street, you'll see this sign:

It's HaNetziv, named after Rav Naftali Tzvi Berlin. But there's no traffic since the street is closed to vehicles. See:

Odd that.

Anyway, the next oddity.

This time in Tel Aviv:

What's odd? Well, for that I have to translate the text of the sign:

The Givon Area

Here will be built a unique square under which

Will be erected an underground parking lot.

"Under which will be erected"?

I guess since the British Mandate left, English language sensitivity has significantly decreasede.


Frugal Dougal said...

You should see some of the signs here in Britain!

YMedad said...

where? point me to a blog post

comprar puertas metalicas said...

Very worthwhile data, lots of thanks for this post.