Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do You Know What "Denukeiran" Means?


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Preventing the Islamic Republic of Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons is the core of this online advocacy campaign.

As individuals, each of us is powerless.

However, together - thousands and thousands of us - we have a chance.

That's where you come in.

Our community - you - can have an impact. But we need to grow quickly. And we need to be financially self-sustaining.

We will provide the infrastructure and a general course of action, but it is the DeNuke Iran community - thousands and thousands of people - who will drive this campaign with zeal and energy and ideas.

We begin with a Declaration, but our outreach will be non-stop.

Our goal is to stiffen the spine of American policymakers -- before it's too late.

Sign the Declaration.

Encourage your friends to sign the Declaration.

Join the Community.

Encourage your friends to join the Community.

Watch the video.

Encourage your friends to watch the video.

Let's get started.

Michael Fenenbock & Daphne Weisbart


Anonymous said...

Denukeisrael would be the logical first step, it's Israel who started this arms race and although I think with horror of a Iranian state with nukes I think it's a direct response to their percieved threat from Israeli nukes.

YMedad said...

Remind me, when did Israel demand the elimination of Iran and deny its historical past?